Let the Best Be Your Inspiration: Focusing on Tech Company Slogans

In essence, slogans are not just about creative copywriting—they are strategic tools that shape perceptions, create emotional connections, and drive brand preference. They are instrumental in carving a brand's unique space in the consumer's mind, influencing not just how a brand is perceived today, but how it will be remembered in the future.


Maryna Babuch

5/31/20236 min read

In an era of rapid technological change, a clear and compelling slogan isn't just a fancy tagline—it’s an encapsulation of what your company stands for. A well-crafted slogan communicates your mission, your promise, and your brand’s essence. From the tech giants to nimble outsourcing companies, let's dive into some industry-leading slogans that hit the mark and see what marketing inspiration we can glean.

Big Tech’s Big Statements

Let's start with the pioneers of the digital world. Their slogans stand as towering lighthouses in the rough seas of innovation and change.

Google: "Do the right thing." This concise slogan presents Google as a principled tech giant, putting ethical considerations above all else. It invites trust and aligns with a customer-centric approach. When creating your messaging, consider the core values you want to convey.

Microsoft: "Empowering every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more." Here, Microsoft succinctly captures its mission and promise. The slogan is ambitious, inclusive, and aspirational, painting a broad picture of empowerment through their technology. If your tech empowers users, let your slogan express that grand vision.

Apple: "Think different." Apple challenges the status quo and encourages original thinking. Their slogan is a potent reminder that in tech, innovation and bold thinking often trump conventional wisdom. If your brand champions unique solutions, make it known.

Bridging Slogans and Missions

The next tier of companies has a lot to offer in terms of inspiration. They've managed to embed their slogans with their mission statements seamlessly.

Facebook: "Give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together." Facebook zeroes in on community-building, leveraging the power of connection. If your company fosters connections, emphasize that in your slogan.

Amazon: "Work hard. Have fun. Make history." This slogan feels almost like an internal mantra, but it hints at Amazon’s transformative ambitions while reflecting its energetic culture. Sometimes, your internal culture can be a compelling part of your external brand.

Slack: "Where work happens." With utter simplicity, Slack captures its purpose, place, and function. If your product or service has a specific application, don't shy away from being direct.

Empowering the Future

Emerging tech companies understand the power of visionary thinking. Their slogans often reflect a commitment to shaping the future.

Tesla: "Accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy." Tesla’s slogan is visionary and world-changing, showcasing its commitment to sustainable innovation. If your company is all about bringing about significant change, embody that spirit in your slogan.

SpaceX: "Making humanity multiplanetary." SpaceX brings a science-fiction dream into today's reality. The slogan is bold, audacious, and captures Elon Musk's vision perfectly. If your mission seems like an impossible dream to some, embrace it—great strides often come from ambitious dreams.

Tech Outsourcing Companies: Versatility in Action

Tech outsourcing companies have unique marketing challenges. They have to communicate competence, flexibility, and a readiness to slot into varied and complex scenarios. Let's look at how some of the best in the business handle it.

Accenture: "Let there be change… Reinvent." Accenture embraces the constant in tech: change. They position themselves as the catalyst for reinvention, promising transformational results for their clients. This direct, dynamic slogan reminds us to embrace the industry's constant evolution.

Toptal: "Hire freelance talent from the top 3%." Toptal offers a clear and compelling value proposition: elite talent. The directness and specificity in this slogan make it attractive. If your company offers something measurable

The Power of Slogans and Positioning in Customer Perception

In his seminal work on marketing strategy, Jack Trout elucidated the concept of 'Positioning'—the act of designing a brand's offering and image to occupy a distinct place in the mind of the target customer. Positioning is less about what a company does and more about how a company is perceived. Slogans play a vital role in this process, shaping perceptions and solidifying a company's position in the market.

Slogans, in essence, are short, catchy phrases that encapsulate the essence of a brand. They help in conveying the brand's unique selling proposition (USP) or the 'one thing' that sets the brand apart from its competitors. When a slogan is well-crafted, it can speak volumes about a brand's identity, values, and offerings, helping it etch an indelible impression in the consumer's mind.

Think about Google's "Don't be evil" or Apple's "Think Different". These slogans aren't just catchy phrases; they're powerful positioning statements. Google's slogan projected an image of a company committed to ethical tech, making it stand out amidst growing concerns over digital privacy. Apple, on the other hand, leveraged its slogan to position itself as a brand for the creative and the unconventional, an image it continues to enjoy today.

In a saturated marketplace, a strong slogan can cut through the noise, resonating with the target audience and making the brand more memorable. It's not just about being heard; it's about being remembered, and more importantly, being remembered favorably.

Slogans also play a crucial role in shaping the emotional connection between the brand and the consumer. For instance, Microsoft's "Empowering every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more" doesn't just describe what Microsoft does—it tells a story. It speaks of a world where technology fuels progress and empowerment, a vision that many consumers would want to be a part of.

The outsourcing companies provide a perfect example of this dynamic. Their slogans often focus on competence, agility, and adaptability. For instance, Accenture’s slogan, "Let there be change… Reinvent" emphasizes their readiness to adapt and bring transformation to their clients. It creates an image of a brand that is forward-looking and ready to navigate change—a compelling image in an industry characterized by constant innovation.

The impact of slogans extends beyond immediate marketing efforts. They influence a brand's long-term reputation and consumer loyalty. A slogan that authentically represents a brand's values and mission can serve as a constant reminder of what the brand stands for, fostering trust and consistency.

In essence, slogans are not just about creative copywriting—they are strategic tools that shape perceptions, create emotional connections, and drive brand preference. They are instrumental in carving a brand's unique space in the consumer's mind, influencing not just how a brand is perceived today, but how it will be remembered in the future. Therefore, it's essential to carefully craft a slogan that truly represents your brand, aligns with your positioning strategy, and resonates with your target audience.

Use this list to charge your creativity

Image credits https://unsplash.com/@picoftasty Mae Mu